Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 687

Chapter 687


Sabrina struggled to break free from his grip. But Tyrone only held on tighter.

She let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes, frustrated with the situation.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Sabrina quickly opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, her expression blank. Hurry up! she urged.

However, Tyrone remained seated behind the wheel without starting the engine.

Are you in a hurry to take Bun home so you can make a clean break from me? he asked, self-ridiculing.

Looking ahead, Sabrina frowned. Tyrone, sometimes I dont know what goes through your head. Didnt you decide to sell the villa? I thought you had it all figured out.

igured what out?

You said you cared about me, but thats just because you felt guilty and because of your possessiveness towards your ex-wife. You love Galilea. Youre about to marry her, arent you? Then why are you still holding on to me?

Tyrone fell silent as Sabrina confronted him with her misconceptions.

Sabrina misunderstood him so much that he didnt even know where to begin explaining.

Tyrone didnt love Galilea. He felt guilty for her and wanted to make it up to her. However, this guilt was gone after his grandfather passed away because of Galilea.

His heart belonged to Sabrina, but she remained skeptical.

If his love for Sabrina had been enduring, why did he pursue a divorce?

And if he had fallen in Love with her just before the divorce, what led to his change of heart?

Tyrone took a deep breath before explaining, Sabrina, I never intended to marry Galilea. I love you. I know you dont believe me, but I must confess my love. I was foolish and blind to my feelings for you. But I know now that I Love you. I always have.

You were in Love with me for a long time but didnt know it? Sabrina quipped with a cynical Laugh. Tyrone, do you expect me to believe such a pitiful excuse? You spent a month on a business trip to visit Galilea. You asked for divorce. You asked me to abort even if I were pregnant. You let people insult me as the home-wrecker. You went to Galilea on our wedding anniversary. You told your aunt that you would divorce me one day.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she spoke.

Due to the traumatic actions of Galileas mother, Sabrina was confined to bed rest to safeguard her unborn child. The grief resulting from the death of her beloved grandfather ultimately led to a heartbreaking miscarriage. Tyrones sudden proclamation of long-standing love felt utterly absurd and woefully inadequate.

If thats true, youre responsible for our childs death! I wont remarry you. Just let me go. Sabrinas eyes fluttered shut as she took a deep, shuddering breath.

Her pain and heartbreak threatened to overwhelm her. It was all Tyrones fault. She was ready to move on from the hurt and betrayal, but Tyrones persistence continued to reopen old wounds.

Tyrone found himself at a loss for words.

